Monday, July 20, 2009

Georgetown UNESCO World Heritage Site 2009 Passport

It was a year ago when Georgetown, Penang been declared as a World Heritage Site. The government of Penang decided to commemorate the eventful day by organizing Heritage Day :)....

I could not join the day because I have duty in church. However, I have the pleasure to explore two heritage sites - Khoo Kongsi and the Sun Yat Sen's Penang Base with my aunt and cousin from Singapore. It was really interesting to look at the architecture in Khoo Kongsi. I was lucky to bump into a professor from Taiwan that explains the significance of some of the carvings and drawings. I was amazed with the stories.

I had the pleasure to listen the stories from Miss Goh who is the producer of "Road to Dawn". The movie describes the lives of Dr Sun Yat Sen while he was in Penang during the most important period of the revolution. Miss Goh mentioned that the movie will be screened in Penang Chinese Town Hall. I even bought a copy of the DVD because I want to learn more :).

I bought a Georgetown Unesco World Heritage Site 2009 Passport. I even got my first stamp even I can't participate in the event on Saturday.

For those who have spare time this Saturday and Sunday (25th & 26th July 2009), please join non stop back to back action-pack events to commemorate George Town UNESCO World Heritage Celebration :)....