Sunday, June 21, 2009

Bak Chang in US???

The title says it all... The blog was posted on Jun 28th 2007....

Bak Chang in US???

I missed Bak Chang especially during the Bak Chang festival. So, I decided to embark on an experiment to make Bak Chang in US. Well, it turned out to be successful although I have to use cooked salted duck egg yolk which melted when I steamed it.

The bamboo leaves that I managed to get over here is smaller than the ones I got back home. I also managed to get chessnut that is ready made (hehehe - I don't have to process it). Anyway, I managed to teach a friend here to wrap the "Bak Chang". It turned out successful because no "Bak Chang" was destroyed in the process :).

Whei Fen - as promised the pictures of the "Bak Chang". Can you smell the "Bak Chang"??? Hehehe....

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