Saturday, June 20, 2009

My first road trip in US

My first road trip in US was pretty exciting one because I woke up very very early. I realized that many of my road trips involved driving between 5 - 10 hours :). Thank God for friends who share driving time....

This blog was written on 19th Mar 2007.....

Painted Hills Mar 17th 2007

I never been to the Oregon East so I was pretty excited when the gang decided to go to Painted Hill. It is located in John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. It is about 5 hours drive from Hillsboro but it is pretty fun drive because we thought we were in certain parts of Europe. The weather was good - sunny :).

I woke up at 3.30am to get ready for our trip. Yes, I woke up at 3.30am to start my road trip. Our first stop before we head to John Day Fossil Beds National Monument is the Stonehenge. It is pretty similar to the one in UK but the Stonehenge in US is man made. This Stonehenge is the first monument to be built in to honor their military personnel during World War 1. Here are some pictures taken .....

During the journey to John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, we saw a lot of Windmills that is awesome. They are an alternative energy source to gas.

The John Day Fossil Beds National Monument is divided in a couple of units. We only covered two of them because we don't have enough time. However, we covered the most important part of the National Monument which is Painted Hills. The hills are actually formation of volcano ash and the color from the hills looks wonderful. I am amazed by God's creation and I totally believed that only God can create wonderful things in this world.

This my first road trip in Oregon, US. It is pretty fun but tiring. We had a good Thai dinner before heading back home. It was a worthwhile trip there as you see magnificent creation of God.

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