Sunday, June 21, 2009


Seattle is a famous place in the state of Washington about 3.5 hours from my place. I went to Seattle for 5 times in 1 year because there are visitors from Malaysia :)....

Seattle (for the 3rd time) 12th May 2007

This is a third time I went to Seattle ;) with my colleagues from Malaysia. They wanted to go to somewhere nearby for sight seeing and they never been to Seattle. As usual we stop by the Pike's Place Market and walk around. The fruit season has arrived :) and I bought a cherries, rasberries and peaches and eating them while I was walking around.

We had lunch at a place famous for Clam Chowder. We were watching street performances at the same time enjoying our lunch. We walked to Pioneer Square which is about 10 blocks from the Pike's Place Market. It is quite enjoyable walk because the weather is just perfect. Do you know the UPS started in Seattle too? Hehehe... I was told by another friend's friend. Here are a couple of pictures taken while we walked around Pioneer Square

We stop by Alki's beach to take a look at Seattle's skyscrappers from far. The view of Seattle's city is quite magnificent :).

This trip I went up to Seattle's Space Needle for the first time. I can't remember why I did not go up during my previous trip ;). Anyway, the view from the top of the Space Needle is quite nice.

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