Monday, June 22, 2009

Farmer for 1 day???

Summer is wonderful because cherries, rasberries and many more berries are ready to be plucked. I went on rasberries picking a few weeks earlier with my friend Soo Luan. I managed to pluck rasberries, blueberries, black berries and many more berries that I won't be able to get in Malaysia. We had fun there because we managed to pluck berries, did wine tasting, bought a bag of walnuts and enjoyed a good dinner of wild mushrooms.

I wrote this blog about a special area called Fruit Loop.... Read on to find out more :)...

Fruit Loop 15th Jul 2007

It is road trip again. This time I visited the Fruit Loop located in Hood River. Here is the summary of Fruit Loop from the website (lazy to write :p)...You can also visit the website at :

"The Fruit Loop is just an hour away from Oregon's largest city, Portland. Located in the national scenic area called the Columbia River Gorge, and the nation's largest pear-growing region, this is one of the few places that offers the complete experience of growing, producing, and then enjoying fruit and wine.
Take this 35-mile, scenic drive through the valley's orchards, forests, farmlands, and friendly communities. Sample delicious fruits and take your favorites home, visit a winery, experience fields of fragrant lavender, meet adorable alpacas, savor delicious baked goods, and create memories by participating in family activities hosted at Fruit Loop locations throughout the year."

The first stop we went was to an u-pick farm for cherries, rasberries and blueberries. The trick to pick cherries is to try the fruit first from the tree so you can pick only the trees with sweet cherries. The rasberries and blueberries was quite disappointment compared to the u-pick farm that I went with Soo Luan a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, we were climbing up and down to pick cherries. Hard work pays off because we managed to pick only the sweet cherries :).

Next stop, a visit to a winery....

Next stop, Cascade Alpacas Foothills Yarn & Fiber... What is an Alpaca??? I goggled it up and below is the description of Alpaca from Wikipedia

The Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is a domesticated species of South American camelid developed from the wild alpacas. It resembles a sheep in appearance, but is larger and has a long erect neck as well as coming in many colors, whereas sheep are generally bred to be white and black.

I bought something from the place....Guess what is it??? Hehehe.....

Cute or not :)???

Our final stop is Lavendar Farm....I am not that impressed because the farm is just few rows of Lavendar. But there is a performance on the stage - a band is singing songs while people are enjoying the breeze and the smell of Lavendar.

After going thru multiple farms in the Fruit Loop, the big group started to split. Some of them want to go home and some of them want to proceed to other place. However, Eng Hong wants to visit Multnomah Falls with the intend of hiking. Poor Phaik Lean and Keng Lai have to hike up :p. Hehehe.... Phaik Lean said she has been tricked by Eng Hong to go on hiking....hehehe....We can see the Columbia Gorge river while on our way up and it was magnificent :).

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