Sunday, June 21, 2009

Crater Lake & Smith Rock National Park

This original blog was posted on Jun 9th 2007. I went to Crater Lake twice, first time - early spring and second time - summer.

Crater Lake & Smith Rock National Park May 26th 2007

Another place to go in Oregon is Crater Lake which is located at the south of Oregon. The landscape of the Lake is still fill with snow. It was a five hour drive to get there (Yes, it is always a long journey to get to a place in US). You can still see the reflection of the mountain on the lake itself.

After seeing a lake, we proceed to see rocks called Smith Rock State Park. This place is famous for rock climbing and we had a chance to see few rock climbers enthusiasts in action. We also tried out climbing the hill because we wanted to see the famous Monkey Face on top of the hill. We just managed to climb half of the hill but our hero Kean Yung managed to climb up and took the photos of the famous Monkey Face. On our way up, we saw a snake (I think he is resting) beside the hiking path and it scared the s*** of me. I was soo afraid to continue walking but the American couple assured me that it is ok because it is not a rattle snake. I quickly ran passed the snake. Then I saw another snake while hiking up. It scared me so bad that my heart beats so fast than normal. But I still hike up but I started to feel weary and started to be cautious. I am not sure what I will do if I bump into another snake. We continue to hike up until some of the girls wanted to go down. It was an experience for me to hike there because I saw rock climbers enthusiasts in action, bumped into snakes and hiking in my jeans.

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