Saturday, June 20, 2009

My adventures in US

I created a blog from vox during my 1 year stay in US ( . Since I decided to consolidate all my blogs here, I have decided to copy all my US adventures into this blogspot.

The first blog posted on Mar 3rd 2007....

Hooi Ling's first blog in Oregon, US

It's been 6 weeks since I got here on 20th Jan 2007. I always wonder what its like to live on my own. So far.... I am loving it :).

The night before I left Penang, I suddenly had the feeling of excitement and of course anxious if I ever going to be independent. I have been living in Penang ever since I was born. But thru this assignment, I am able to proof to myself that I can be independent. I guess it takes the environment and situation to make people find out about themselves.

Of course, I do miss home - my family and friends back in Penang especially during my first week here. Being alone here do forces me to go out and meet new friends. I knew friends from Malaysia and Shanghai. We have been going out during the weekends for the past few weeks weeks. It has been wonderful experience exploring Portland town, skiing trip to Mount Hood, going to Seattle during Chinese New Year with them.

I think my experience so far has been wonderful and I would like thank God for His Blessings that protect me all this while and let me experience new life in US. I did not feel lonely because of God's Presence in my heart and my mind.

I am going to share my adventure living in US in this blog :). I hope you will enjoy reading it as I enjoy writing them.

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