Monday, June 22, 2009

First New York trip that did not happen

Nothing can describe the eventful week :(. I was supposed to be in New York with Keng Lai but I ended up in hospital bed.... I did not even tell my mom until after I was discharged from hospital. I don't want my mom to worry about me....

New York trip that did not happen :'( :'( :'(

I decided to write this on my blog because it is an event that I will always remember for the rest of my life. Well, I was supposed to go NY on the night of 10th of Aug 2007. Everything has been booked and I am getting excited to go to New York.

Unfortunately, I started to feel pain at my appendectomy area on Thursday night. I start to worry and pray to God that I will feel better the following day. Well, it did not go away and asked my friend to fetch me to clinic. I was diagnosed with appendix as all the test results are positive for appendix. I took a picture of myself with the IV to remind me the beginning of my eventful week of pain.

I have to be admitted immediately and operated on the same day. I felt bad for my friend Keng Lai as we were looking forward for the trip. Anyway, I stayed in hospital for the next 3 nights and then home for the next 1 week (instead of staying in New York city :( )...

It is an event that I will forever remember because I never went for operation before plus went thru the operation in US. Thankfully, I have friends that visited me everyday and took care of me while I am recovering (including cooking, helping me to buy groceries, driving me here and there). Thank you God for protecting and giving me strength to recover. Thank you Keng Lai for taking care of me, cooking for me, helping me to buy medicine and other groceries and being my driver for the 1 week. Thank you Boon Cheong cooking porridge for me. Thank you Kean Yung for making me laugh even though you knew I was in pain (i needed to laugh so i can recover fast :)). Thank you everybody for visiting me while I was in hospital and the card and the flowers you gave me :).

Now, I have recovered :). Going places and starting my running and exercise in the gym :).

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