Sunday, June 21, 2009

Biggest sushi I ever had....

I like Japanese Food. Well, I like all types of food :). Anyway, I wanna share this discovery to other Japanese Food lovers...

The Biggest Unagi Sushi I ever Had!!! 12th Apr 2007

My friends over here always talked about Saburo's, Saburo's and Saburo's because of the size of the sushi. So, my friends and I decided to go to Saburo's one fine day to have the famous Unagi Sushi. Since it is soooo popular in Portland, the queue was long and we waited for at least 50 mins under the cold weather. Some of my friends told me they waited for 2 hours under the cold weather before they get seated.

Well, after we get a table we started looking at the menu. There are not a lot of varieties compare to Todai (another Japanese restaurant in Portland). Ai Lee was pretty excited and kept ordering without thinking the size of the sushi. I am guilty as well because I also I ordered too much because I could not finish the food (boxed it for one guy as supper)....

Anyway, you will not believed the size of the sushi in this restaurant. I was amazed when they served it to other customers and when it was in front of me, I could not believed the size of the sushi. Here is the photo I took from my phone camera to let you all see the size of the Unagi....

To my Japanese Food Lover friends in Penang, this is a special message to you to visit me in Oregon so I can bring you to this restaurant and treat you (not applicable if you are on business trip or relocation ;p)....

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