Saturday, June 20, 2009

My only skiing trip in US

When you are in country that snow falls so much, you will try out skiing many times. Anyway, the skiing trip I went in Feb was the only skiing trip I made :p....

The original blog was posted in Mar 3rd 2007 again. I can't remember why I really have nothing to do on 3rd Mar 2007....

My first skiing trip :)

I never see snow before in my whole life. So, I was excited when my friends invited me to go to Mount Hood for skiing. I bought a ski pants and a new jacket to prepare for the ski trip.

As this is my first time skiing, I fell down a lot of times until I lost count. I felt muscle pain the day after that because I was using all my body muscles.

Even though I fell down a lot of times and suffered muscle pain, I will probably go skiing again because I bought the season pass for 3 times :). I will probably try snowboarding next time. I hope it is easier than skiing ;).

Here are a couple of pictures taken during my skiing trip.

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