Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer at Crater Lake

I was fortunate to be able to see Crater Lake during spring and summer. The view during Spring and Summer is different and I was happy to make it the second time....

Crater Lake 21st July 2007

Crater Lake for the second time :) ??? Anyway, the first time I went to Crater Lake when the place was still covered up with snow even though it was spring. And during summer, the snow has melted and you get to see the different view of crater lake. Below are the some pictures for comparison....The first and second pictures are taken in May'07 and while the third and fourth pictures are taken in Jul'07.

However, this trip is a bit different as well because I get to go on a trail and hike down to be near the lake and touch the water. The water is cold and crystal clear. Don't be fooled by the blue color of the lake. The water is not blue but because of water molecules, will absorb all the colors of the spectrum except the blues. Those wavelengths will bounce back and make the water appear blue. The key is to have relatively pure water and lots of it. There has to be enough molecules to absorb all the other colors.

Last but not least group photo :)....

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