Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rose Festival

I was lucky to be in Oregon in 2007 because Portland celebrated it's Centennial Celebration. There is fireworks and parades during the monthly celebration....

Portland Rose Festival Centennial Celebration

I was lucky to be in Portland in the same year they celebrate 100 years of Portland Rose Festival. It was quite a big event with fireworks and parade that capture the essence of Portland aka City of Roses....

I went to watch the fireworks and the show was nice but not WOW!!!. I heard the fireworks show for the 4th of Jul is even bigger and much more nicer. I can't wait to watch the fireworks in few weeks time :).

Luckily I was in Portland for dinner the next day because the Rose Parade took place on that day. I was standing for the next 2 hours in my 1 and 1/2 inches heels. But I was happy and glad to be there because the parade was quite unique from Penang or Malaysia's National Day Parade. I can even see people dressing up as Star Wars characters. Their school band played very well and their cheerleaders danced on the street. Everybody was enjoying themselves. The highlight of the parade was seeing the firemen performing their stunt on the street. Below are the pictures (quality not good because I don't have DSLR ;p)

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