Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cooking in US

I love to bake (cookies and cakes) and I am good in baking (my friends and relatives said so). I realized that I am good in cooking when I was in US (ahem....). I don't know how i did it but maybe watching my mom cooked did help a bit :). However, I stop cooking when i came back to Malaysia. I still have not lost the touch because my friends from work and church loved the spaghetti I fried for them.

The original blog was posted on Mar 3rd 2007. Hmmm, seems several of my earlier blogs are posted on the same date. Maybe I had nothing better to do on that day .....


As a lot of you know that I don't cook back home. But I have been cooking a lot since I am here because I don't have a choice. The food here is greasy, fattening and not healthy.

My first attempt to cook was not bad (I did not burn the food). I cooked a complete meal - rice, vege, chicken curry and a soup.

I also cooked fried rice, steam fish, 'Thong Sui', bee hoon soup, fish curry (with the help of the paste from PG - highly recommended). I also cooked Penang Food - Hokkien Mee and invited my friends to savour the noddles. Even though it is too sweet (I guess I put too much rock sugar), but the taste is not bad.

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