Saturday, June 20, 2009

I had wonderful time experiencing different season - winter, spring, summer and autumn and winter again during my 1 year in US.

I wrote this blog on 25th Mar 2007 when Spring came :). I love Spring because the flowers bloom and more sun. I also love Autumn because the color of leaves turned to reddish and brown....

Spring is here :)

One beautiful morning when I woke up, I saw flowers starts to bloom and suddenly it hits me... Spring is here!!!! Well, finally the cold winter is over and I can keep my winter jacket in my closet until the next Winter in Nov/Dec'07.

Anyway, the flowers around my apartment starts to add more colors and live to the area. I was looking forward to Spring because I can go the Rose Garden, Tulip Farm that I wanted to go.

Here are a couple of pictures around my apartment and another one my friend Keng Lai helped me to took when we wanted to take the train to town.

I went to Portland's Saturday market on Mar 24th and it was raining. The funny thing about my trip to the market is that they have pillow fights on the street where everybody gather around and start hitting each other with pillow at a specific time. I mean they are strangers waiting at the side of the road and then started hitting each other a particular time. Here are some photos from the pillow fight.

The market is full of things to see and the crafts are pretty unique. I managed to get a board game and a couple of hair clips at reasonable prices. I enjoyed my Saturday at Portland's Market.

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